How can I get a high limit from personal loan apps in Kenya? - FairKash+ Loan

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How can I get a high limit from personal loan apps in Kenya?

Getting a high loan limit from personal loan apps in Kenya typically depends on several factors, including your financial profile, creditworthiness, and the specific loan app you choose. Here are some strategies to help you secure a high loan limit:

1. Build a Strong Credit History:

  • Your credit history plays a significant role in determining your loan limit. Consistently making payments on time and managing your existing credit responsibly can improve your credit score, making you more attractive to lenders.

2. Choose the Right Loan App:

  • Different loan apps have varying policies regarding loan limits. Some apps may offer higher limits than others. Research and compare various loan apps to find the ones that are more likely to provide higher loan limits.

3. Maintain a Stable Income:

  • Demonstrating a stable source of income can increase your chances of securing a higher loan limit. Lenders are more inclined to lend larger amounts to individuals with a steady and verifiable income.

4. Gradually Increase Your Limit:

  • If you’re new to a loan app, start with smaller loan amounts and repay them on time. As you build a positive repayment history with the app, you may become eligible for higher loan limits in the future.

5. Verify Your Identity:

  • Many loan apps in Kenya require users to verify their identity by providing personal information and documents. Completing this verification process can improve your chances of getting a higher loan limit.

6. Opt for Longer Loan Terms:

  • Some loan apps allow borrowers to choose the loan term. Opting for longer loan terms can reduce your monthly repayment amount, making it more feasible to qualify for a higher loan amount.

7. Maintain a Good Relationship with the Lender:

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  • If you have a positive history with a particular loan app, they may be more willing to offer you higher loan limits. Repaying loans on time and being a responsible borrower can build trust with the lender.

8. Consider Collateral or Guarantors:

  • Some loan apps may offer higher loan limits if you provide collateral or have a guarantor who is willing to guarantee the loan. However, this comes with additional risk, so be sure you fully understand the terms and consequences.

9. Review and Improve Your Application:

  • Before submitting your loan application, double-check all the information you’ve provided. Any errors or discrepancies could result in a lower loan limit. Ensure that your application is complete and accurate.

Remember that it’s essential to borrow responsibly and only take out loans that you can comfortably repay. High loan limits can be tempting, but they come with a higher repayment obligation. Borrowing within your means and ensuring you can meet the repayment schedule is crucial to maintain a positive financial status and a good credit history.

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In Kenya   V 4.0.2

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